What is Sustainable Fashion and Why Should We Even Care?
Sustainable fashion is creating waves amongst the millennials and everyone else, however, is it just another marketing term that has got our attention, or is it something ‘real?’ It might astonish you to learn that the textile industry is amongst the biggest polluters in the world. This industry, in fact, is the second biggest to oil industry when it comes to producing toxic waste. Plus, textile mills are obligated to use about 20,000 different chemicals to make clothes while most of them are carcinogenic. Most of our daily wear is made out of plastic, meaning more destructions in the manufacturing with microfibers in our oceans. Sustainable fashion also means ensuring fairer pay for the workers, better working conditions and no illegal sweatshops. The only way to STOP this cycle of pollution, destruction and death are by bringing ‘sustainable fashion’ to the table for good. What does exactly make our clothes sustainable? For a company to be called 100% sustainable, it has to include e...